David R.
Mayorga Herrera
Systems & Computing Engineer
Visual & Interactive Computing
Ms. Systems and Computing Engineering
Universidad de los Andes
Visual Interactive and Computing,
Mixed Reality and HCI
Since the formation in Systems and Computing Engineering in Universidad de los Andes, I was interested in visualization and interaction. That's why I acquired the academical option in Visual Computing.
However the Master has the same name I approached to see only master subjects which could enrich my formation:Image and Video Analysis (OpenCV), Interactive Visual Computing (WebGL), Visual analytics (d3.js), Robotics, Augmented Reality (Vuforia) in order to say proudly I have the master in Visual Computing. During the same time I have worked as a research assistant in Interaction, Robotics and Visualization -COLIVRI Laboratory from Universidad de los Andes. The experience I have acquired there was about haptic perception (Phantom Omni) and Interactive and Virtual Reality (Unity and OVR).
The visual specialization aside, I have an interest in Business Intelligence and Enterprise Architecture. I have experience presenting projects based on Project Management formation.
Studied as scholarship holder since the undergraduate formation.
I have lived in Germany, the reason to speak more confidently German than English.
Member of the Universidad de los Andes Theater Group and Clubes de Ciencia Colombia.
Proudly born in Bogotá.
I'm a remote developer from Bogotá for the rest of the world. If you want we could contact through one of these channels: